Saturday, 1 October 2011

Team Vita Ride, not a great day in the office for me today!

Today's team ride started at 8.30, as its Derby day and the Coach has a season ticket for Everton!! Unfortunately, I stopped my Garmin when I stopped pick up Paul on the way to the shop, and didn't realise until about 5 miles later, see the straight line on the Data map.
11 of us headed out and the pace was quick. the first 15 miles were at 17.6mph!
Surprisingly, Dave suggested we stop for a team photo!! What a motley crew!!
Team Vita
After a fast line out along the front at Hoylake, we headed on towards West Kirby, the group holding a good pace. Sam was concerned with a loud rattle so we stopped, Me Sam and Dan, to sort it. Loctite on the Bottle cage screws is essential!!! The problem now was how to bridge the gap with the group. We rode together, helping each other into the headwind, all the way along the front at West Kirby, up over Caldy and then on to Thurstaston hill, We spotted the group nearing the top, so I suggested Dan and Sam, who are much better climbers than me chase them down, and I'll plod up!! we did regroup on the road into Heswall, but I was done in. All the effort to rejoin the group has used all the energy I had. I managed to get back in the group, and used the rest of the team to drag me along whilst I tried to recover. I even managed to ride from the back to the front of the group going down Denhall lane behind Ness Gardens! But it wasnt long till I was on the back again! The rest of the ride was spent Yo Yoing from the front to the back of the group. It was a real challenge to keep going, but being stubborn does have its advantages sometimes!
After a couple of bottles of water at the shop, and time to recover, I had a great ride home with Paul, Iain, Andy and Paul, and added another 8 miles to the ride to make up the 50!
The weather was great, 26 degrees on an October morning!! 

Tomorrow is the Cycle show. I think I'll leave the credit card at home and just take loads of photo's!!

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