Sunday, 9 October 2011

Liverpool Marathon from a different perspective.

I completed my first Marathon today. Or I should say I marshaled my first Marathon!! I have the greatest respect for these runners. Both the elite runners we were with, and the rest of the field who do it for fun!
The day started with a spin to the park via the Shop, to meet up with a few of the lads. We got to Birkenhead park and met up with the rest of team vita! We were briefed by the organisers, telling us to fill the gaps between any splits and keep the road clear for the runners. We made our way to our start position, and waited, for about an hour and a quarter, as the police wouldn't let the race start until the course was clear and closed to traffic. I felt sorry for the runners who had warmed up, got to the start and then had to wait to get going.
When we did eventually get going it was very bizarre riding closed roads, lined with cheering crowds, but only at 11mph average. We all spread out along the runners doing our job, and taking the occasional opportunity to get a faster speed in crossing a gap, or by dropping right back then when there was room spinning up the side of the runners, just to keep warm!! The Half way point was at the bottom of the Birkenhead tunnel. And as we exited onto the Strand, there were huge crowds, samba drummers and a real carnival atmosphere. I must say that the support along most of the route was great, it must have really helped the runners. We all got spread out again heading out to Sefton Park, but once we were there, a few of us regrouped and rode the last couple of miles together back to the finish. I did feel a little shallow as we neared the finish, lined with masses of supporters all cheering the runners and there we were rolling along on our bikes! It didn't stop Me and Ben having a sprint to the line, which he won!!
Once most of the Vita lads got to the finish, we headed  off back to the tunnel, where people were still coming through!!!!! It must have been a long painful day for some of those runners, but they all looked determined. I hope they all get back safe and they should all feel very proud of their achievement. I don't think I will ever be running a marathon though, I'll stick to my bike I think.

Today's ride details:

1 comment:

  1. These blogs are becoming a must read! Keep it up Chris.
