Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Bike Pure Ambassador

No cycling since Saturday, for no other reason than no time!! I need to get out before Saturdays team ride or I'm sure I'll suffer!!!
So sat at home couch surfing, I have decided to follow up an idea I had a few weeks ago.
As an asthmatic, and looking at possibly racing next year, I  checked out my medication on www.wada-ama.org  and unfortunately can not use this as an excuse not to race next year!!!

 I was talking, (if that's the right term for tweet discussions) to a guy in the US who is just starting out on achieving a pro racing career, and we discussed the doping issue. He is an ambassador for  http://bikepure.org/ and this got me thinking about our team and racing in the future.
So, I contacted bike-pure, and am now proud to say that I am an ambassador for them.
The whole bike-pure organisation is run by volunteers and the aim is to encourage honesty and integrity within our sport.

Look out for Team Vita members wearing the blue wrist band, or the bike-pure spacer on their bikes.

What made my decision to get involved with bike-pure easier was that our Vita cycles sportive endorser, Steve Cummings is a bike-pure pro role model. 

Please check out their website via the links in this post, or the logo at the side.

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