Sunday, 30 October 2011

First ride of Winter!

It sounded like a good Idea last night, to go for an early spin with Ken. When my alarm went off at 5.45 this morning it didn't seem so good and ended up not being as ready as I had hoped when Ken sent me a text to say he was leaving his house!!!! Even though the clocks had gone back, it was still dark when I left the house at 7, and needed to put the lights on! I met Ken in Birkenhead, and we headed out for a loop of the lanes back to Chez White for a brew. It was nice and quiet with only squirrels to dodge, there were hundreds of them today, shooting out from the hedgerows and darting across in front of us. One nearly became a spoke ornament for Ken!!

To mark the First ride of winter we were looking for a suitable photo location for the Kuota's and decided this was probably the only place on Wirral that was grand enough for such good looking bikes!!! (although the photo isn't that good, sorry)
To coin a phrase " Who lives in a house with gates like these!!"
I was on a 2 hour pass, seeing as I'd been out for quite a while yesterday, so as the clock ticked down, we had to raise the pace to fit in a blast down Telegraph Road from Thurstaston. My Confidence in the Vittoria's is growing. Even with very damp greasy roads, I hit 36.7 mph. 
At the bottom of the hill we had four minutes to get back to Greasby!! A quick sprint (I wish) up Montgomery hill and along Frankby road was a good way finish a great early morning ride, and I was only a couple of minutes late, phew!!

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