Wednesday, 2 November 2011

A new dimension to my dislike of hills!

Motivating myself to go out in the dark, with the threat of rain, and a wind gusting to 30kph, was not too hard tonight. I wont be able to get out again until Saturdays team ride, and then we have planned a big ride on Sunday. So go out I must!!
The wind was behind, or to the side of me on the way into West Kirby, which was ok, and I decided to go up my nemesis, Grange road, which is only half a mile long, and is 10% at its maximum, but one of my least favourite hills. The bottom wasn't too bad, and I thought I may have a good ride up it today, until I turned the corner half way up to be met with a head on wind, that almost pushed me back down the hill!!! It was definitely a grind to the top, but strangely satisfying to have done it. Definitely time to focus on the Diet, take the coach up on his offer of training at his studio, and possibly break out the speedo's to mix up the types of training if I'm ever going to climb hills easier, and have a realistic chance of racing next year!!!

Tonight's ride details:

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