Saturday, 5 November 2011

Team Vita ride 5/11/11

Another great turnout for the Team ride today. 12 of us, including Jane Saunders, GB team member and bronze medallist at the ITU world triathlon championships in Beijing earlier this year, an Iron man competitor and a marathon runner, left the shop and headed out for a couple of loops around the lanes. Dave (the coach) was keen for us to keep in our pairs and keep the pace up, but try not to drop anyone. The weather was kind, although the roads were quite wet after the heavy rain last night, and there was a lot of mud and gravel washed over the quieter lanes. Jeff, Dan and me nearly lost it on a corner when Dave sent the group of on a sprint! The Paves were better than my bottle. It was a close one, but at least I was in the front group fighting for the imaginary line!!!
I had to head back to the shop before the end of the ride, as I had an appointment at another team that wears red and plays in Liverpool! Not the best outcome but good to be there.
On the way back to the shop we saw Chris Boardman out training for his sport relief challenge against Graeme Obree. He did have time to comment on Dave C's bike though (a Boardman!!!)
Tomorrow we are heading out to Wales for a long ride. There should be about 6 of us and the weather is looking good. I've not done a long ride with Dave before, so it will be interesting to see if I can keep the pace up for over 5 hours. I'm sure we will not be stopping at any Café's
The Lads at the shop have organised an unusual TT race in February. They have been able to close the Birkenhead tunnel, and the race will be through and back. Having ridden through there a few times, this is going to be a tough challenge. There are only 100 places so check out this link for details and get registered before its too late. It promises to be a great event.

Today's ride details:

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