Friday, 28 October 2011

Off to see the Vittoria Fairy!!

Just a quick spin today, up to the shop to pick up the long awaited Vittoria Open Pave Tyres that the Fairy had finally delivered. I wish  Claire had gone to the allotment yesterday and I had today to go out for a longer ride, instead of the wet one I had yesterday!! It was only a couple of degrees warmer today, but it makes all the difference, shorts and short sleeve's for maybe the last time this year.
I decided to take the long way round to the shop, and face my two least favourite hills, not that any are my favourites really!
Whilst at Vita Paul H came in saying he had just passed Chris Boardman who then went passed the shop. I was encouraged by Barry, Phil and Paul to go and chase him to see if I could overtake him! I decided to let him off today, and let him enjoy the nice weather, maybe next time!!!!
I saw Shaun from the MAMIL's on the way home. I have missed our Wednesday hills sessions, roll on spring!!!
So the Paves are on, the bike has been cleaned and looks great, ready for tomorrows Team ride.

Today's ride details:

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