Wednesday, 19 October 2011

A windy test for the new Campagnolo gear!

I was determined to get out tonight. Even though there was quite a gusty wind, and frequent heavy showers, not only did I need to stretch my legs, but I also needed to try out my new Campagnolo Gloves and Bib tights. The new winter gear was a great bargain from the Vita cycles eBay page, check it out here for a bargain of your own:-
I'm glad to say, both performed excellently.
Another couple of positives from tonight's ride was not having to change an inner tube at the road side!! and I worked out where a clicking noise that had developed after fixing the first puncture on Saturday was coming from. Luckily, it was not a twisted chain link, but the cadence sensor that was hitting the pedal arm with each rotation.
I have had the bike for nearly 4 months and I have ridden over 1600 miles, so it needs to go back to the shop for its first service. Should be like a new bike when I get it back. I'm planning to have it done when we are off with the kids next week.

Tonight's ride details:-

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