Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Summers back!

When the clock struck three at work today, I decided to take an early dart and get home to enjoy the weather. With a pass from the boss, at home, I headed out into the early evening sun. I cant believe that at 5pm on a late September evening it was 23`c! Shorts and T shirt weather again. I hope it stays for the weekend.
I chose to go out into the lanes today, so headed up to Irby, and found Barry still at the shop. Half an hour later, (and after confirming your callipers are there Ken! not long now) I continued out towards Thornton. Then out onto the Chester High Road, back through Heswall and down into West Kirby and round to Hoylake. The sun was just starting to head to the horizon and the shadows were extra long.

Risking my iPhone I took this picture whilst riding.

I wasn't too worried about averages today.It was nice to get out in the sun and spin the miles out. All miles are good miles!!

Tonight's ride Details:

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