Saturday, 17 September 2011

Extraordinary Team Vita Ride 17/9/11

Today's team training ride was a bit of a weird one! The weather was a bit dodgy at times, and 3 of the lads managed to get 5 punctures between them! I had left the group and was riding back to the shop with a new member of the team, when the 5th puncture happened, but we had both used our spare inner tube earlier! So cool as you like Dave said to me "I'll run back to the shop"!! So he did, pushing his bike with me leading the way   It must have looked like a scene from Rocky!!
So my quick spin to stretch my legs before tonight's night ride was a  little extended.
Obviously all the data on the Garmin needs to reflect the situation.
Its now 6pm and in four and a half hours we will be leaving for the Trafford Centre and Starting the Night Ride.
A big thank you to everyone who has sponsored so far, there is still time if you haven't!!
Ride details:

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