Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Hills and a loop before Dark!

More Wednesday night Hills training with Shaun, James and Andy. Thanks for the Motivation lads, one day I will be able to keep up with you! Its like being with a herd of mountain goats when we get to a climb! I get out of the saddle, push the gears to the max to keep the speed up, and end up panting at the top, these three just spin up the hill with what appears to be no effort!!
 We decided to add a flatter loop into the middle to mix things up a bit. 
It was good training for Saturday night, Total Climbing for the Manchester to Blackpool night ride is 474metres, which look like they come in the first 35 miles.

This is the profile of the route for Saturday/Sunday. 
The training is going well, but the Sponsorship is not going so well.
Please have a look at the giving page, and see what you can spare. Me and Ken will put all the effort in, all you have to do is press the donate button!! Thanks.

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