Saturday, 3 September 2011

Team Vita Ride 3/9/11

Rain!! I woke up to the unmistakable sound of the wet stuff falling outside! It is definitely a De motivator, looking out the window whilst eating your porridge at the grey miserable sky. Add to this the thought that the Coach is back from his Cycling holiday, all fired up and I could have easily gone back to bed! The coaches post on Face Book was all the inspiration I needed, he said due to the adverse weather, today's ride would be reduced from 3 hours to 2 hours 55!!
So, I pulled on my over shoes, zipped up the rain jacket and headed up to the shop. There was a good turn out considering the conditions. And luckily for us, the rain stopped just after we left. We even had to stop to take our jackets off as the temp was quite warm. The pace was good today, and I think the hill training on a Wednesday night with the Mamils has made a huge difference. I even managed to win a sprint for a sign!!! 
Back at the shop the talk was all about the Eureka anniversary ride next Sunday, unfortunately I cant make it, and then about the winter training programme the coach is devising. Sounds like there will be plenty of circuit and spin classes to attend when the weather gets too bad to ride!
I need to get the Giant back on the road, apparently carbon dissolves in the rain!!

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