Saturday, 10 September 2011

Epic Team Vita Ride, 10/9/11

A great turn out today. 12 of the usual lads and lass and a couple of new faces. The club is going from strength to strength. A good mix of ability and experience.
We were treated to a fantastic route, out to Frodsham and up Overton Hill, which was a challenge, and I laughed when Dave (the Coach) said that my name should be on the Tarmac just as we passed a "slow" sign!!! The ride had a few dodgy moments. It was Paul's turn to be targeted by a Wasp. A very uncomfortable sting just under his eye! And a close call with a Taxi that decided that we were in his way!
The pace was good, with a Sprint on the way back. No win this week, but I wasn't far off!!
We finished off with a drag up the Chester high Road, which created a break in the group. I rode at the back for the last couple of miles to make sure everyone got back. As we like to say, "There is no I in team, There is no I in Team Vita"!!!!
Including my ride to the shop and back, I did 60 miles. Not bad for a Saturday spin.
Good luck to everyone doing the Eureka anniversary ride tomorrow, sorry I cant join you!!
Today's ride details:-

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