Saturday, 18 February 2012

Wild wet pre TT Club ride

I cant believe how quickly the Ten minutes of hell Time Trial has come round. Tomorrow by 13.25 it should be over! If it isn't I didn't do too well. The bike is cleaned, all unnecessary weight removed, and some slick tyres fitted. Unfortunately the rider has to be there or the bike would go a lot quicker! I have however hit a landmark weight this week, I am now only 6kg from my first target weight.
It took a while to clean the bike, and a lot of Purple Harry's Cleaning products. Even Dave from the club came round to give his bike a clean, and try out the Purple Harry kit, and I think he is now converted

                            Race ready and raring to go!                       Dave getting to grips with the Purple Harry                      

                                                                       Naked Kebel

The club ride today was wet, windy and wild. At one point, just as Carla suffered a puncture, the rain was coming at us sideways, but the seven of us who had ventured out made it to Eureka cafe safely, if a little sodden. The traffic on the high road didn't show us any respect, and I think the sadistic drivers quite enjoyed seeing us suffer as they covered us in huge Bow Waves from all the standing water. We had the last laugh though, I'm not sure how but I'm sure we did.
The ride back to the shop was just as much fun, into a cold headwind, which made the cold wet clothes we were wearing feel just that little bit more uncomfortable! ( Mrs Palefish wasn't too happy with the wet clothing either, more specifically the 2 year old cycling shoes drying on the radiator emitting a rather musty aroma throughout the house! Good job I have some Sidi's on the way!!)
The ride was good though and topped off a good weeks training for the challenge. I've been pushing the big gears on climbs to try to gain a little time on the up bits tomorrow.
So there is nothing left to do but get a good nights sleep, have a healthy energising breakfast, and go for it at 13.10!

Details for Spectators for tomorrows Time Trial are available on Vita's Website

Today's Ride details:

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