Thursday, 23 February 2012

Just like a Summers evening without the sun!

It is typical! I have finally got my winter bike sorted. The rear wheel has been rebuilt, new pedals have been purchased, a new saddle (thanks Dan) is in place and mudguards fitted, just in time as the winter has told its toll on the Kuota and the head race bearing needs changing. Good timing I hear you cry, well it would be if the weather hadn't decided to take a turn for the best and deliver us a 12degree average ride this evening! Oh well, it's all good training, especially on a slightly heavier bike!!

For the second time this week, there were seven of us out for a spin. We headed out to West Kirby then up to Caldy, Thurstaston, Heswal, Thornton, and then back through Irby to Greasby. The group are riding well together, and the pace is good. We put a little sprint effort in tonight, a half mile stretch into Thornton, ans it looks like we hit over 34mph.
We passed a Police speed check in Pensby, and I was tempted to ask if I could calibrate my Garmin with his Speed gun but I didn't think the officer would be too keen!

When we got back to The 12th Man, it was mentioned that as a Start and finish venue, it would be a handy place to have some post ride refreshments in the summer! Sounds great for someone who has resolved to give up alcohol for a year, I suppose there is always coke to look forward to!!!

The Vita ride this week is reverting back to one group, leaving the shop at 9.30. We will be out for 3-3.5 hours. We will ensure we do not let anyone fall behind, and wait if the group splits. I think it will be good to have a session with the coach and the Race team lads. It will let me see if I have improved with all the winter training.

Tonight's Ride Details

There was some more great coverage of Ten Minutes of Hell today in " the UK's best bike Magazine" Cycling Weekly. There may be more at a later date too!

Finally a plea from a friend. Lou who runs the Patisserie Cyclisme  web site is trying to raise funds to develop the site. She has got through to Enterprise Nations second round process which requires people to log on and vote for Patisserie Cyclisme who will get £500 start up support if they get 500 votes! It only takes a couple of minutes, and will help Lou realise her dream of turning her passion into a business and in turn help us find the best Cafe stops in the UK!
Please check out this link to Vote: Enterprise Nation Vote Now

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