Saturday, 11 February 2012

Club Ride to The Cafe at the Walls

Today's Vita cycles Club ride had a purpose today. We were invited to check out a Cafe in Chester, The Cafe at the Walls, or @wilsoncoffee if you like twitter! One of the Vita riders works in Chester and recommended  the coffee and cake so I contacted the guys at the cafe and todays ride destination was sorted.
There were six of us today, the lads who have been in Lanzarote were having a well deserved rest. We rode through the lanes, towards Two Mills then dropped down to the Dee path. There was a surprisingly sapping headwind all the way into Chester which slowed down our chain-gang training! Once in Chester the Cafe is easy to find. just by the arch in the wall at the river end of Lower Bridge St.
True to Ros's recommendation the Coffee and Syrup sponge were great. I think we have found a new brew stop!

We kept to our self imposed time limit to the cafe stop, and headed back along the Dee path, this time with the wind at our backs. The pace was obviously faster, 14.8mph ave on the way out and 22mph ave on the way back. It didn't take long to get back to the Chester high road and then drop back into the lanes. I felt good today, the evening rides seem to be paying off, and I even managed to climb one of my lest favourite hills faster than I have before.

Once back at the shop the conversation turned to the Tunnel Challenge and logistics for the day.
The chance to enter has now closed, but if anyone would like to offer help as a marshal then please contact the shop. We need as many people as possible to help make this event a success and run smoothly.
Tomorrow will be my last tunnel test ride. As usual we will be leaving the 12th Man at 7am.

Today's Ride details:

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