Saturday, 4 February 2012

Freezing rain Club ride.

Today was a day not for the faint hearted. Although it didn't appear to be cold, from the warmth of the house I could see no frost on the car, but as soon as I stepped outside the cold hit me. It was like walking into a freezer. I left the house to ride up to Paul's with the Garmin  showing 15 degrees. We arrived at the shop and it was now showing zero degrees.
While we were at the shop we decided that we would stay close to home so that if the snow arrived, it wouldn't take long to get to shelter.
As we left the shop one of the group took it upon themselves to show us how to fall properly to avoid injury. I thought it was very kind of him and I didn't laugh too loudly or for too long!!

There were seven of us today, not bad considering the weather and some of the club being in Lanzarote for a weeks warm riding! We didn't let it bother us too much that the three Dave's Paul and Phil were enjoying sunny shorts and short sleeved jersey rides while we froze! Dave has been keeping us up to date with their progress via twitter.

Zel even stopped at a cafe, although he doesn't look too happy about it!

The temperature continued to drop as the ride progressed. As we got into Parkgate the Garmin was showing -1.5 degrees and it didn't move from there until we reached Willaston and the wind was behind us. It rained for a bit, which wasn't as bad as the predicted snow, but it was a little alarming when as the rain hit my jacket, it froze and turned the sleeves white! The roads weren't too bad, considering the freezing conditions. We did some good group riding in pairs through ad off to keep the pace up, Zel would have been proud to see us!!

We got back to the shop in one piece, with no incidents or mechanical's, which is a first for the club rides!
Well we did have a little incident as we rode through Willaston. We had to negotiate an articulated lorry delivering in the village and as we rounded the cab there was a kindly gentleman crossing the road. He was a little surprised to see us bearing down on him and stopped like a rabbit in a cars headlights. His face was a picture as we split and rode either side of him.

It was nice to have a coffee and  a warm in the shop, and catch up with some of the race boys who had been out doing fast loops. It's a great part of riding with a group, and being in a club, being able to socialise and talk about bikes without getting "the look" from those not as passionate about cycling!

We also had the opportunity to check out the new brand the shop are stocking. 
BH is a Spanish company that produce some great carbon bikes. 

I also purchased a new rear light. I have been very impressed with the Moon X-power 500 so decided to buy the Moon Shield 60 rear light. I have ridden behind one before and they are very bright. Best of all is that it fits well on the Aero seat post of the Kebel. It will see its first action tomorrow morning.

I am planning to head over to the Tunnel again in the morning. As long as it hasn't snowed or the roads aren't frozen I aim to leave the 12th Man at 7am for a quick spin out and back.
I am also hoping to get out in the week in the evenings. Possibly Tuesday and Thursday, I will Tweet and Facebook details if I go.

Today's ride details:

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