Thursday, 5 January 2012

What have I done?

I am not the fastest person on a bike, and I'm no way ready for racing yet, but today I signed up for my first time trial! The lads at Vita have organised the TT that will take place in one of the Mersey Tunnels in February,

Due to additional generous sponsorship, entry into the Ten Minutes of Hell is now £25! Entry closes on 27th January, so be quick as spaces are filling fast and there is a 100 rider limit. For more details check out Vita's website:

The lads also announced today that the Current British National Time Trial Champion Alex Dowsett has signed up to ride the TT.

Alex Dowsett British Time Trial Championship 2011

 Now rather than putting me off it has motivated me to try harder, and although I will probably be at the other end of the time sheet to him, at least I will have been in the same race as him! Not bad for a first race!
So tonight I headed out into the wind to get some miles in, and some efforts into the wind. It wasn't as bad as it has been but the gusts were still strong. I took advantage of mother natures help along the Marine lake in West Kirby to record my fastest time along the 0.6 mile stretch. I need all the help I can get! But I was pleased with a 20mph ave into an energy sapping side wind along the Hoylake to Meols road, which is almost as long as the first leg of the Tunnel TT.

I got a package from Wiggle yesterday, with a new Craft base layer and a pair of Castelli overshoes in, but no Haribo!! I hope the recent sale of the company hasn't affected their usual great service and the omission of my Haribo was an oversight! Anyway, both products were great, the base layer keeping me warm, but wicking well and the overshoes, or Belgian Booties as Castelli call them were brilliant. It was nice not to have to wear the waterproof and warm but constricting  neoprene ones I usually wear. They are well worth a look and are currently in the sale!!

Tonight's Ride details:

1 comment:

  1. Secret training is available to all on a Sunday, consult the Tunnel bye laws. Joined up today( the club). I should be the turn marshal at the Liverpool end.
    Check out Ryan Mullen, beat Alex but entererd as a private trial due to nationally clash.
