Sunday, 8 January 2012

The Not so secret diary of Palefish aged 43 and a month!

I have come to realise that putting things in the Blog make them harder to forget, or get out of! So I have decided to share my weekly record of cycling and weight loss achievements here to help keep me motivated.

Week commencing 1/1/12

Weight loss 1kg, Alcohol intake 0 units, Cake 3 slices (Claire's birthday!) Crisps 0.

Cycling this week: 1/1-7/1

Distance:111.77 mi
Time:7:10:15 h:m:s
Elevation Gain:1,360 m
Avg Speed:15.6 mph
Avg HR:161 bpm
Avg Bike Cadence:71 rpm
Calories:6,557 C

Week one of the new year done and I managed to stay on the waggon, despite there being some leftover Christmas cheer in the cupboards and fridge! only 51 weeks to go!

Tonight I decided to go out for a quick spin on the bike, and thought it would be a good idea to try a flat TT circuit. I headed out to West Kirby and back, missing the hills, trying to keep a steady cadence and speed. When I got back I loaded the ride onto Strava and set a segment for a 10 mile circuit. Today I managed an average of 18.7mph for the 10 miles, which I am happy with, but need to improve on If I stand any chance of being competitive at the Ten minutes of Hell tunnel challenge. I was also happy that my legs worked after yesterdays windy slog.

There is a meeting tomorrow night for the Club. It is being held at the Anchor in Irby at 8pm, and don't forget to enter the Ten minutes of hell before its too late. Places have been going fast since the entry fee was reduced to £25.

Tonight's ride details:

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