Monday, 2 January 2012

It's all about the bike

Day 2 of the new regime and it seems to be going ok! No drink, not so much junk eaten and being back at work tomorrow should help  reduce the chocolate intake, and give Claire and the boys a chance to finish it all off at home!!
I rode with Paul tonight, which was great as he got a Moon X-power 500 for Christmas, so when we hit the dark lanes it was like daylight! Having the right kit really helps. It has taken a long time to build up the equipment but it makes such a difference. The right clothes, so I can ride whatever the weather (to quote Shaun, "there is no bad weather just bad clothes"), Tyres that instill confidence what ever the road surface is like, and especially the bike, which with regular maintenance and cleaning, is running as well now as it did when I bought it 6 months ago. So far I have ridden for 152 hours and covered 2400 miles and climbed 28,114m. I wonder what the figures will look like at the end of this year?
Next planned purchases are Mavic Plasma SLR helmet and a pair of Mavic Pro Road Shoes. All donations very welcome!!!

Tonight's ride details:

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