Sunday, 29 January 2012

Tunnel Test Take Two

Another Sunday, another early start! It was much colder this morning, even though we decided to leave at 7,  15mins later than last week. I was joined again by Ian, and this week Jon came along to check out what he had let himself in for. When I was talking to Phil in the shop yesterday he said places were now going fast. If you want more details on the event check out this link:

So, we arrived at the tunnel, and I decided to put a bit more effort in this week, but not to go too fast, as I want to save that for the 19th. (great excuse eh?) It was decidedly warmer in the tunnel than it was outside, I hope it isn't too warm in Feb? We completed one run through and back, and decided that we wouldn't bother with a second and instead ride round to West Kirby. Today's attempt netted me a 30 second faster time than last week. It doesn't sound much but it all counts. I'm still not at the 10 minute target time of the event title, but I am getting closer. I am hoping that adrenaline will help fuel the muscles on the day.
As we headed out of Birkenhead the sun was rising and treated us to a great display. The iPhone doesn't do the image justice, and once again I wish I had a better camera with me.

The pace into West Kirby crept up, and we took it in turns to pull each other along, well, Ian pulled and I went in the front to give him a rest but not necessarily pull anyone! All good training for a TT though.

Ian Peeled of to do some hill loops and then ride off into Wales! whilst Jon and I did one climb out of West Kirby then I headed off home.

The exercise didn't finish there though. Two trips to the Allotment and one to the Tip cleared Mrs Palefish's Nan's garden of all the Bricks and Building rubble left over from the recent renovations.

Half the bricks!
The next job was a regular Sunday activity. An hour in the company of Purple Harrys Cleaning Products. It is unbelievable how dirty a bike can get in two rides! But it doesn't take long to get it clean again.

Hopefully I will get some good miles in the legs this week, (planned rides on Tuesday and Wednesday night 7.30 at the 12th Man in Greasby if anyone wants to join me), and also keep improving the power to weight ratio. If all goes well I may reduce the Tunnel time by another 15 seconds next week!

Check out my Diary page for this weeks stats on weight loss and miles ridden.

Today's ride details:

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