Thursday, 25 August 2011

Monsoon Ride with Team Vita

Thursday nights are Team Vita nights. When I wheeled the bike out of the shed, I looked to the sky and saw the black clouds. First thoughts were to put the bike away and have some tea, but seeing as the coach is on holiday, it falls to me to lead the rides. I got to the shop and Ade from the Wirral Mamils was waiting with a couple of the Vita lads. We decided that we would press on despite the ominous skies. So 6 optimistic cyclists set off. The first 6 miles were great, then the rain came. It was so bad the group got split up, leaving me and Sean wondering where the others had gone. A little further on Andy came the other way and joined us, saying he'd got split from the others.
All was well in the end, Back at the shop I discovered we were only a couple of minutes behind the others, except for Ade who had come back to look for me and Sean and had his first puncture for 1400 miles!!
Now I need to clean the bike and re lube the chain and cables.
Ride details here:

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