Saturday, 27 August 2011

Less Monsoonal Team Vita ride.

The Sky didn't look too good this morning, and by the time I'd got to Paul's the rain had started, thanks for the shelter in the garage mate! It looked like it would be just the two of us, but in the end, and after a wait for the rain to ease, 5 of us headed out. The rain held off, but the standing water had the same effect except with the water coming up instead of down!! I think I may invest in a wetsuit and Flippers for future rides!
We did the same loop as Thursday, keeping to the wider, less slippery main roads.
We got back to the shop for a well earned coffee without incident!
Next week the coach is back, so the gas will be turned up!!
Details of the ride: ( I think I need a battery in my heart rate monitor, 199bpm before I got on the bike!!)

One of the lads who has been riding with us, Steve Partridge, is doing Lands end to John O'Groats, Starting next Sunday. For details of their trip, and an opportunity to sponsor them please check out their Blog:
Good luck Steve!

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