Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Hill Training with the Mamils

Tonight I plucked up the courage to Join the Wirral Mamils and ride Mr Fagan's infamous spaghetti loops. I was pleasantly surprised with my performance, no way as quick as the rest up the climbs but not too far off. I could tell that all the training is paying off. Just need to work on the extra pounds, it's all about the power to weight ratio, unfortunately I have too much weight and not enough power!! The weight does help down hill though, gravity works!!
It was great to catch up with the Mamil lads again, check out their blog here:
Details of tonight's ride:
I have signed up to do the British Heart foundations Night Ride from Manchester to Blackpool. This will be a different kind of challenge to a normal sportive, it is only 60 miles but we don't start until 2am, and then ride through till sunrise. Details are on the British Heart Foundation web site.

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