Saturday, 23 March 2013

I appear to be back to form, and then it snows!

This weeks night rides have been great. Plenty of climbing, and some fast flat riding too. I appear to be back to some sort of fitness, all I need to do now is loose some of the extra Lb's I've found during the winter.
Talking of Winter, it appears to be back, and worse than it has been since last year! I had been looking forward to today's ride all week.

It was going to be my first big ride of the year, with no pressure to get back as Mrs Palefish was at work, and the Pups were with their Nan and Granddad. As the snow fell on Friday, and got worse as the day continued, my dreams of a ride into Cheshire seemed to be less and less likely.
I posted on the Club Facebook Page that if it stopped snowing, and the roads were clear, we would still go out. It didn't do either! When I got up it was still snowing and the roads looked bad. I cancelled the club ride, and looked forward to a day of Washing, PS3 and Eurosport!

As the morning passed the snow eased, and I decided that I wasn't going to waste my day! Luckily, one other Palefish rider was as keen (mad) to ride as me, and Iain agreed to meet up for a quick spin.

 We decided to aim for West Kirby and see what the roads were like.
After a quick stop at The Bike Shop in Moreton, and with the wind behind us we discovered the roads were fine, and it wasn't too cold. We dropped down to the seafront, and then got onto the cinder path next to the railway line from Hoylake up to West Kirby.
the view from the Marine lake in West Kirby over to Wales was great, Lots of snow on the Hills.

We climbed up over Caldy and dropped down to the Wirral Way. The path was still quite snowy, and I began to wish I had smaller less knobbly tyres! Iain however was fine on his skinny tyres!

Our reward was a great cup of coffee and a fantastic slice of Lemon Drizzle cake at G.J's Cafe.

The only disadvantage of stopping there was the climb out! At the top of Church Lane the snow was quite deep. ( Deep enough to stand the bikes up in!)

We rode back to Moreton via Greasby, and I stopped for a chat with the guys at the Bike Shop, and then did a little loop via Upton to get a few extra miles in.

All in all a very nice spin, even if it was a little slower than usual, with the heavier bike and snow, I feel like I had the big ride I wanted anyway! Lets hope the snow melts quickly and Summer hurries up and gets here soon!

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