Sunday, 10 March 2013

Getting back to normal, including Snow!

Another milestone this week in my slow recovery from this wretched bug! Tuesday and Thursday rides completed, with a little more distance than last week, and even venturing out in the torrential rain on Thursday night. And today, after feeling ill again yesterday, I dragged my sorry self out, after making the obligatory Mothers Day cup of tea and getting the mini Palefishers to give their gifts to a bleary eyed Mrs Palefish, who I'm sure would rather have had a lie in than be pestered about who's gift to open first, and can I have a chocolate now pleeeaaassseeeeeee. It was cold, and raining as I left the house, questioning the sense of riding in these conditions. But seeing as most of the lads were over in Cheshire taking part in the Jodrell Bank Classic Sportive, I couldn't let the remaining lads and lasses down, especially Ken who rides over from Liverpool to join us.
As we met up in the car park of the 12th man, tales of snow and cold winds were abundant, and it didn't take long for them to become reality!
7 of us headed out towards Irby, with a plan to then ride out to Raby Mere and on towards Eastham and back to Eureka Cafe skirting Chester. When we got to the outskirts of Heswall, Carla and Tara made the decision to go on their own. Tara is new to cycling, and was worried about holding us up, we tried to convince them that we didn't mind, as the pace suited me fine, but the girls were adamant, so we left them and rode on to Thornton. Paul was the next casualty of the Weather. The temperature was just above 1 degree, and Paul had lost the feeling in his fingers and was struggling to shift gears and brake. Sensibly he headed off home leaving 4 of us to ride off into the blizzard (poetic licence implemented there)
We re routed as we were cold, and the snow was falling quite fast. But, we did go a longer way than usual! Disappointing, I still felt fatigued at about 12 miles, but knowing the cafe wasn't far away, I kept going.
Eureka was surprisingly busy, seeing as the weather was not great, but while we refuelled the snow became less intense. We decided to ride straight back up the High Road, through Heswall then down the Gap round Caldy and West Kirby to Meols and then home via Heron Road and Pump lane. The snow stopped, but the wing became stronger. By the time we reached West Kirby, after I had stopped for a gel, the first I have taken in ages, we were riding into a strengthening head wind. It was a relief to turn off into Heron Road out of the wind.
We got back to the 12th Man, and I had managed to pedal out 34 miles! It doesn't sound much compared to some of the rides I have done, but in the condition I am in at the moment, I am very pleased to have gone 10 miles further than last week. Hopefully I will get to 45 next week, even if it does snow!
I wore the newest piece of cycling kit I recently purchased today, and it performed fantastically. I don't usually buy team kit, but I do have a soft spot for Rapha, as I have said before, and the new Team Sky cap was just too tempting. I definitely had a baptism of fire today, with Rain, Snow and wind, and it kept my head warm and dry all through the ride, and it didn't break the bank either! LINK to Rapha Cap

It has also been an exciting week for my little Palefishers. The photo I took of the boys with Ed Clancy at the Eddie Soens last week was given photo of the week status on the Wheelsuckers website. The boys were very excited to see themselves in the main photo place, and included in a newsletter! 

Also this week, just when I need it, my winter bike develops a front mech issue! Steve at The Bike Shop in Moreton tried his best to revive it, but unfortunately it didn't make it. A new one has been ordered, and after pricing up replacements for the rest of the chain set  and other consumables and upgrades, it is probably time I think about replacing my faithful Giant, who I have abused for the last 7 years, and also the bike that got me into this road cycling lark again! Now, what shall I buy?

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