Friday, 10 August 2012

Costa Coffee cruise

Sunday 12th will see Palefish CC heading over the Mersey to Formby for a spin around the leafy Sefton and West Lancs lanes, taking in a stop at Costa Coffee in Ormskirk, and a post ride brew at Costa Coffee in Formby.

Meet at Formby Cycles to leave at 9am, then we will be riding out towards Parbold and Tarleton then back through Ormskirk to Formby. 

We will ride as a group at a comfortable pace, regrouping at the top of climbs or if we get split at junctions.

As an extra incentive to get out on a Sunday morning, Costa have kindly offered a FREE coffee/Tea with every slice of cake or Muffin purchased! 

(This is a Free social ride and is not covered by insurance so you ride at your own risk.)

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