Sunday, 19 August 2012

A busy weekend in the saddle

With only two weeks to go until my Asthma UK Loch to Loch ride, I realised that I have never ridden two long rides back to back! Mrs Palefish took the kids away for the weekend, so I had no excuse not to get out and get some miles in the legs.
We have also had some great rides in the week with great numbers, and some sun!

The Club is expanding, 4 new members this week, the word is definitely spreading about Palefish CC.
I also discovered that there is a link to this blog from Olympic gold medallist Edd Clancy's Web site! I wasn't expecting that.

To keep up with the exploring theme of last Sundays ride I planned a route that took us through the Tunnel, which we weren't sure if we would get away with as the FAQ's on Mersey Tunnel's web site say cyclists are not permitted after 7 on a Saturday, but in the Byelaw's there are no restrictions for Saturdays. Luckily as we rolled past the Booths and past one of the Tunnel Police, he just said we were cutting it fine and let us go through. Thank you Mr Tunnel Policeman. Once through the tunnel we headed along the River to Hale, then over the Runcorn Bridge. The Garmin did a good job and we only took two wrong turns! I should have taken the video camera really, I could have got some good footage as the 8 of us rode down past the Three Graces on the Waterfront, and then as we crossed the Bridge into Runcorn.

The Bridge

 As we approached Widnes a cyclist tagged on to the group, and it turned out he was a friend of Paul R's, which was fortuitous as he knew a quieter route to the bridge that avoided the Express way.

Once over the bridge we rode through Frodsham, then on to Delamere and Kelsall , for the first stop of the day.
We found the Greedy Pig, parked up and were spoilt for choice with Chocolate mud cake, flapjacks cup cakes and any kind of sandwich you could want! The coffee was great too, and even better was the free refill (only offered to patrons who arrive on two wheels apparently!)

Hungry Palefishers!

Taking advantage of the Warm weather

A great view from the Greedy Pig.
 when everyone was ready we headed off on the second half of the ride. After a small directional malfunction we were on course heading back to Chester via Waverton, then once through the City we got on the Dee Path and headed towards home.
As I mentioned earlier, we have had some new members join this week, and yesterday two of them joined us for what would be for Mal, his first long ride!! Before this he had only done 30 miles. He did fantastically well, and I was proud of the other lads who helped to get him round.
We started the club so that riders of all abilities could get an opportunity to push themselves, and ride with a group, without worrying of being left somewhere 30 miles from home! Yesterday we certainly lived up to our goal and got everyone round and back!

To help with the last 15 miles we stopped at Eureka for a top up of sugar and caffeine for some tired legs.

After the quick pit stop, we rode back through the Wirral and Mal and I ended the ride with a little effort from Irby to Hoylake, with the wind at our backs! A great way to finish a fantastic ride.

Sunday Morning seemed to come round quick, and I was a little reluctant to throw my leg over the bike again, but I had to do it as I was meeting Phil B at the Irby mill for a spin up to Llandegla. However, on the ride up to the Mill, my front wheel started to feel loose again. I forgot to mention earlier, the bearings need replacing, I rode the Giant on Thursday as they were so loose the wheel was moving alarmingly along the axle, but after a quick tinker by the lads at The Bike shop in Moreton, I was able to ride it this weekend. However, I wasn't prepared to risk riding into Wales and up some steep hills, and then descend with a wobbly wheel! So we decided to do a spin through the Cheshire lanes, never too far from home, just in case.
My legs didn't feel too bad, but I did realise I need to put more fuel in for day two. I felt quite empty, but I was determined not to fill up on gels and bars, but rather to focus on the target of Beans on Toast and a Steaming mug of Coffee I promised myself at Eureka!
We rode through the lanes via Lower Heswall, then on to Capenhurst, Little Stanney, Thornton-Le-Moors, Stamford Bridge, Christleton, Chester and back to Eureka, for my well earned plate of Beans on Toast!
The weather finally broke today, and we got a little wet as we rode up the Dee Path! typically, as we left Eureka and rode up the Chester High Road, the rain stopped and the temperature rose again! We rode back through Willaston and Thornton to Irby, where we went out own ways. I was happy to get back and not feel too bad especially after 137 miles in two days and 184 in a week!
I think I am ready for the Loch to Loch ride. The bike is going in for a full service this week, and a front wheel rebuild! All I need to do now is hit my sponsorship target. I am half way there, but if you are feeling flush and would like to help, please follow this LINK to my giving page. Thanks.

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