Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Introducing the Palefish Logo

You may have noticed the introduction to the Blog of a new Theme and Logo.

Since coming up with the name, about 13 years ago, I have had an idea of what the Logo could look like, and how the Brand could feel!
When I started writing the Blog, and called it Palefish, I didn't think that I would be commissioning a designer, copy writing logo's and buying domain names.

In the last few months the readership of the Blog has increased, and I have had a chance to take part in some exciting events and activities, that I may not have been able to do if I hadn't been writing my ramblings here.

I have been encouraged by family and friends to look at ways to develop the Palefish Blog/ brand.
I started playing around with images, but I am no Rob Janoff
After many failed attempts, that my 5 year old could have done better, I decided to call in the professionals.

My day job has meant that I have worked with some great creative people, and over a Coffee earlier in the year I asked Laura from Lime Twentysix to have a go at designing me a logo.
I met Laura when she was a student at Hugh Baird College studying Visual Merchandising and Promotional Design. She was part of a team I put together to create a logo and brand for the Bootle Town Centre Partnership. When Laura graduated she set up her own Business, Lime Twentysix

I hope you agree with me, the concept she came up with is fantastic. It is exactly what I wanted and feedback so far has been great.

Things have snowballed a bit since revealing the "Palefish"! Friends have been asking when the T Shirts and cycling jerseys are being made, do I have any stickers, even my eldest Son wants some merchandise!!
I have had another brainstorm with Laura, and we have a few ideas of things that may work.

To make things simple on the web front, I have secured the domain. If things develop I may move to a full website, with the Blog as part of it, but for now is easier to type than!!

So, there you have it, seven and a half months from writing the first tentative lines of the Palefish Blog, I have a Logo, a copy write, a domain name, and even a published report in a paper! I wonder what the next few months will bring?

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