Thursday, 1 March 2012

First ride in Shorts!

I had been looking out of the window at work today, wishing the hours away, as the sun was cracking the flags. Mrs P's Mum had agreed to look after the kids tonight so that I could go out earlier for the Thursday night Club ride. I had decided to leave work at 4, be home by 5 and out by 5.30 so that I could get a couple of hours in before meeting up with the lads. As usual, someone else had other ideas, and I didn't leave work until 5!! By the time I had got home and ready it was just before 7 as I left!
I decided to wear shorts tonight, even though as the sun set the temperature did fall quite dramatically. Once going though it wasn't too cold.
I managed to get a 6 mile loop out to West Kirby and back to Greasby at a good pace, 19.8mph, done before meeting the others at the 12th Man.
There were 5 of us tonight, Me, Dave, Ross (also in Shorts), Tim and Jon. We decided to do a less lumpy ride tonight and headed out to New Brighton.
When we arrived at New Brighton, Ross said he wanted to show us a good hill to climb. He wasn't wrong, Atherton Street is certainly Challenging. It has 5 roads crossing it as you climb, so you have to reduce your speed at each junction, and then start again. A very good way to practice climbing in intervals!
After our foray up and down we continued round to the prom that runs along the Mersey to Seacombe ferry terminal. As we rode along we were commenting how lucky we were to be able to ride along, with no traffic, just a few dogs to dodge, and with a great view, so we stopped to take some photos!

 We continued along past Wallasey town hall, and then ran into a little trouble! Some kids with nothing better to do decided to use us as moving targets to throw things at from the raised side of the prom. I was hit in the chest, which struck my heart rate monitor luckily, and Ross was hit on the side. The missile throwing reprobates were not keen to discuss their actions at close quarters with us, and as we approached them to find out where their anger was coming from, they shot off up the hill. Such brave boys!
We continued on into Seacombe, then through to Claughton, down Ford hill, out to Moreton and along to West Kirby. We managed to keep up a good pace all the way into West Kirby, and along the Marine Lake, then we headed up over Caldy, up Montgomery hill and back to Gresasby.
It was a great ride tonight, some good pacey sections, a new hill to practice and warmish and dry!
I recommend that you avoid the avoid the prom though!!

I am not riding with the club this Saturday. I am however, going to Aintree to watch the Eddie Soens race. I will hopefully get some great photo's for the Blog, especially the Team Vita guys racing there!

Tonight's Ride Details

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