I have been useless this year with writing updates on here. Lots of things getting in the way, and also, if I was to be perfectly honest, I couldn't be bothered!!!!
Anyway, today is a special day in the Palefish Calendar. It is our birthday, and today we celebrated with a spin round Wirral with a coffee stop at Eureka.
It was a busy day for cycling today with the Wirral Bikeathon taking place. The route I planned took us off Wirral across the Burton Marsh, then back via Eastham and Prenton to avoid it. There were quite a few Fishes riding it, and also Dave was Marshaling, so our numbers were a very manageable 18 (I think!!) Most of us set off from the Library.....I should explain! We were getting such big groups on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, the Twelfth Man car park wasn't big enough, so we moved up the road to the Library and Community centre. I suppose I should take the opportunity to update you on other club stuff while we are talking about it!
It keeps on getting bigger! Much bigger than I ever expected. We regularly get 30 out for the weekday rides, and there can be 4 different rides at the weekend. Most of the local and not so local sportives will have a Palefish representation, and we even have 5 members who ride regularly who live the other side of the Mersey! We have had the debate about affiliating with British Cycling so that people can race in Palefish Colours, and this time, rather than me just saying NO I put it on the Facebook Page and asked for people to choose if they did or didn't want to affiliate. The resounding response, thankfully, was not to join and keep things as they are! I was very proud that people want to race in the club colours, but it just doesn't fit with the clubs ethos. 26 more members have kit, which looks great as we spin through the lanes resplendent in our BioRacer gear, and there are lots of us off to see the Tour when it comes to Yorkshire. So, not much has changed!!!
A typical club night! |
Anyway, where was I?
We set off from the Library to meet a few others at the Glegg Arms in Heswall. The plan for the day was a gentle spin making the most of the good weather and company. Things do not always go to plan! Ken had his GoPro with him, which caught some of the activities in full flow!!
For some reason, the run in to the Glegg Arms encouraged some unruly cycling. (It isn't even a Strava segment!!)
Steve was pushing me, honest!! |
After we regrouped (and got our breath back) we headed towards Parkgate. The hill was too tempting not to have a little go!!
We are not a race club!! |
We regrouped, again, and then headed off towards the Burton marsh path. This has now become our gateway to Wales, we even use it on the evening rides. It has really made a big difference to our options.
Our kind of boards! |
Everyone stayed together, almost, all the way to the Dee path, and we were all riding quite nicely, not too fast, having a good chat,when a couple of riders came up form behind and came past us. It was like a red rag to a bull today! the front of the group latched on to their wheel, and we rode along with them for a while, exchanging pleasantries, all the time, the pace getting higher as they tried to pull away (not racing you understand) Anyway, enough was enough and the Palefish Peloton burst into life! With shouts of "on your left" we upped the pace and raced off down the path (which was clear for as far as we could see)
Really, we are not a race team!!! |
The silliness ceased when we regrouped, and we rode back along the Greenlane to get to Eureka (apart from the sprint to the Cafe gate, that always happens!!)
We arrived at Eureka at the right time. There were not many people there, I was told that there was a big club ride starting from the cafe today, which would have been interesting. Anyway, we all enjoyed a refuel and birthday wishes from Anne and the team.
Coffee and Cake, nothing is better during a great spin. |
We headed back via Capenhurst, Little Sutton, and to avoid the Bikeathon we rode via Eastham, Bebbington, Prenton and Upton.
Palefish CC spinning down the lanes. |
As always, people dropped off along the route, as we passed near their homes.
We were lucky today, no mechanicals or incidents to get in the way of a great spin with the club.
So, when will I next update the page? Who knows, but there are some exciting events on the horizon! First is the Great Manchester cycle, 52 miles of closed road mayhem and a bigger group than last year to ride it with, and then of course there is Palefish on tour at the Tour!!
Finally, I need to say thanks to Ken who took the photos. I cant wait to see the Video!!
Thanks Ken. |