Tuesday, 26 February 2013

It looks like I didn't bonk after all!!

Today is the first time I have swung my leg over the bike in 24 days! And after 12 miles I am absolutely shattered.
In my last post I thought I had suffered the dreaded Bonk on the way back from the Cafe, but it has transpired that I have had a virus. Not even Man Flu, but a proper virus that has knocked me sideways. I even had time off work, and received a little sympathy from Mrs Palefish (previously unheard of).
Because of this I had to miss the Onix Twitter ride with Rob Hayles, the first Onix ride that has enjoyed great weather! And I also had to miss the Polocini Winter Sprinter. Luckily there was a great Palefish Cycle Club representation at both events.
Anyway, I hope that I am now on the road to recovery, I am not going to go to mad too soon, so probably aim to get back to Eureka at the weekend, via the shortest flattest route!!
It is the Eddie Soens Memorial race this weekend, so I will be taking my 2 sons to watch the racing again, and hopefully get some great pictures. The past year has passed so quickly, I cant believe that the Ten Minutes of hell Tunnel Time Trial was on the 19th Feb last year. Frustratingly, I don't think I would be any faster this year!
Finally, the second edition of SPIN CYCLE magazine is now available, just click on the tab at the top of the page to head over to the magazine. Once again James and the team have produced a great read, with some stunning images.

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