Tuesday, 20 November 2012

It's been a while!

I haven't written anything for a couple of weeks, mainly because I have not been out on the bike! I have not had "Man Flu" but I have not been well enough to ride. To be honest, it has been a tough couple of weeks. I didn't realise how much riding the bike helps get through the daily challenges we face. A couple of hours in the saddle, chatting with friends, and even sometimes pushing the limit a little, all help to clear the mind and refresh the body. I think not cycling, when I want to, reminds me of the many times I tried to give up smoking. Even down to the irrational moody behaviour and craving! Maybe all bikes should come with a health warning.

Anyway, whilst I have been off the bike, the club has continued to ride on a Tuesday, Thursday and at the Weekend. We have some new members, and our first Mountain bike rider has join us on club rides. Phil is fast on his MTB, and I think he would be definitely be quick on a road bike. We now have 75 members of the Club page on Facebook, and there are regularly between 10 and 15 riders out on the club rides.
The second order for club kit has been placed with Bio Racer, and we are hoping to get it before Christmas. I have gone for some thermal Bib Tights and a winter Jacket. Much needed now the Temperature has dropped.

In my last post, I mentioned that we were helping a friend with an exciting new project. Well I can now tell you what it is.
On the 1st of December (coincidentally my birthday!) a new free Digital cycle magazine will be published, called Spin Cycle Magazine. It will focus on all aspects of cycling in the North West. The Club will feature in the 1st issue, which is why James was taking photos of us the other week. There are also interviews with local (North West) Racers, cycling personalities and race reports. I have written the article about the club and hope to help with the articles in the future. I will put a link to the Magazine site when it is released, but if you want to keep up to date before the launch why not follow @spincyclemag on Twitter

This weekend we are helping a local charity achieve their target of Riding to Lapland! check out this link to find out more about the charity http://www.northernlightscharity.org.uk/ 

Its good to be back!

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