Sunday, 29 July 2012

What a difference a week makes.

The euphoria of Bradley Wiggins win at the Tour De France was great last week. Even my colleagues at work seemed interested, for once,to listen to me talk about cycling!! And as the week progressed the anticipation of the Olympics and in particular the Road Race built. It can't all be happy endings for British cycling though, and as Cav said in the post race interview, it seemed that every one else was happy to loose just to stop Team GB winning! Today's women's Road Race had a better result, and a completely different feel. Well done to Lizzie Armitstead on her Silver Medal.

It has also been a week of mixed fortunes for me and my cycling this week. Tuesday night's Palefish CC ride treated us to a nice warm summers evening, and a chance meeting with Raina from The Greedy Pig in Kelsall.

I had been introduced to Raina via Wheelsuckers, a social network for road cyclists, and spoken to her on Twitter, promising to take the lads out to the Greedy Pig on a Saturday ride to check out her cakes! It was a lucky coincidence that we decided to ride out towards Park Gate, and as we turned down Boathouse lane we met up with Raina and Sarah, who were out to ride with the CTC but missed the start. They were a little lost and as we rode past Paul N suggested that they join us and we would get them back to their car. When he told Raina that we were the Palefish CC she couldn't believe it. I was even just as surprised as I rode back to say hello and discovered who the new riders were. Once again the wonderful world of social media has brought me closer to Cake!!

Thursdays ride for me was a non starter, but the lads still went out and put in some good miles round the hill in west Kirby.

With no ride for me on Thursday I was looking forward to a nice daytime warm spin today. As I got up at 6am this morning I was greeted with the sound of rain hitting the window, or should I say hammering on the window. Luckily (kind of) the rear wheel of my Kebel is in The Bike Shop Moreton waiting for a new Spoke set, so the winter bike was waiting for me. Things didn't get much better from here on either. As I rolled round to Dave's I realised I didn't have my Glasses or Inhaler, so I went back to get them but couldn't get in the house as the key was in the lock!! I have never done a ride without either my sunglasses or inhaler. Luckily Dave is also Asthmatic, so I had access to an inhaler if I needed one.
When we arrived at the 12th Man, Graham was there and he needed to fettle with his head set as it was a bit loose. This should have rung alarm bells, and did a bit later on in the ride. The rain had stopped and there was a patch of blue in the sky, so the 8 of us who had braved the early hour and the rain set off. It didn't take long for the rain to start again, and as it did, Graham gave a shout that his headset was loose again. We sheltered under a tree as the rain got heavier, and Graham and I disassembled the front end of his bike. We managed to get it back together, with all the bits in the right place, and the forks were nice and snug in the frame, Phew!! The rain didn't stop so we decided to get going and head on towards Eureka for a well deserved brew. 
The rest of the ride was quite uneventful, and when we got to the Cafe, Phil B was waiting for us. After a warm Coffee and a chat, mostly about the tactics of Team GB at eh Olympics, we started to head back. To my dismay the same thing that side lined me from Thursdays ride came back to haunt me. If you suffer from Migraines you will understand that cycling whilst one is starting is not the best. I loose my peripheral vision and had to ask the lads not to ride too close to the side of me as I couldn't see them. We all got back safely though, and I spent the rest of the day in a darkened room, trying to watch the Women's Road Race.
I wonder what the next weeks riding will bring?

Another milestone in the short life of Palefish Cycle Club happened this week. Thanks to great work by Ken at Bio Racer we now have the final design for the Club jersey. I hope you agree that they look great, and it shouldn't be too long before you see them out on the road.

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