Saturday, 3 December 2011

No Team Vita ride for me today

Today was the first Wimp out of winter!! I set the alarm early, so that I could get out for an hour or so before the club ride, as Claire had to get off to work at 10.30, which meant I could only join them for a short while.
As I was eating my breakfast, feeling a bit rough, as this cold still hasn't shifted, it started to rain, no problem I thought, it will be a good test for my new kit! My optimism soon waned as the rain hit the window harder and harder, helped along by a gusty wind. Oh well, maybe I will only do a short ride to the shop, and with the club, then head back. I eventually left the house at 8.45, and rode straight to the shop!! (2.5miles) it was on the way that I decided I would not go with the lads, and take the long way home instead.
When I got to the shop. I had a coffee with Barry and Giles, who had won the November turbo 10 mile challenge.
As the lads arrived we chatted about the weeks riding we had done, and I told them all about the Onix Twitter ride, to be fair I'm still chuffed at the amount of climbing I achieved in such a short distance!
Dave (the coach) arrived and everyone got ready to leave, it felt a bit weird not putting my helmet on and getting ready to go with them, but the guilt didn't last for long, as the heavens opened again as they rolled down the road.
Even though the weather was not favourable, there was still a good turnout.

After the lads had left, Barry awarded Giles with his prize for winning the Turbo challenge.
Giles had completed the ten miles in 21.50, a whopping 2minutes faster than the next best time. 

It was my birthday this week, and my great family had given me some vouchers to spend in the shop. After a lot of consideration, I decided to get myself a new light, that will hopefully encourage me to get out more during the dark winter months. 
The model I chose was the Moon X-Power 500. It is a high power, rechargeable unit that should give me lots of illumination down the dark lanes, and help me to mix up the routes, instead of sticking to the main well lit roads. 
No ride details today, as I think you all know how to get to the shop by now!!!

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