Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Sam Pilgrim Big Air Invitational at The Cycle Show 2014

I know I know, its been a while!!!

Lots has been going on, The Tour de France has been to Yorkshire and we went to see it, The Tour of Britain came to Liverpool, and certain members of the club, mentioning no names ( Alison, Fran, Pauric) stalked the riders for three days!! The club is getting bigger, as is my waistline, the house is getting done(r) and me and the family have had a great summer doing non bike related activities!

I went to the Cycle Show at the NEC last weekend. I wasn't going to go this year as I have been for the last few religiously, but when the offer of a comp ticket from Madison came along I couldn't resist! The set up this year was different to the last few, showing how popular cycling has become in the UK. There were more stands to see, and definitely more people there! One thing I was pleased to see was a Big Air competition. The first time I went to the Cycle Show it was focused on MTB and BMX with hardly any road bikes, and there was always some kind of Dirt competition. I have attached a video that shows the nutters flinging themselves off the drop off and on to the jump!!

Too many to name them all!!! 
The riders who took part in the Competition with Sam Pilgrim were Sam ReynoldsMatt Macduff, Blake SamsonChris SmithSteve Geall ,Ray SamsonMatt JonesChopperSherwy Pasamonte ,Daryl BrownAmir Kabbani, Tom CardyCharlie WattsRyan NangleEric Walenta, Danny Pace and Marius Hoppensack. My interest in MTB may well have been rekindled! (Don't tell Mrs Palefish)

I did have a look around the stands too, and there were too many new bikes to photograph! however there were a couple of special ones. A certain Mr Wiggins winning TT bike, Marcell Kittels bike from the Tour of Britain and Vincenzo Nibalis winning Tour de France bike.

We also saw a couple of famous faces around the show, our favourite was Lord Sugar on the Pinarello stand. I managed to snap a great pic that looks like Dave and his Daughter Sian are giving him some advice!

I am going to do a photo post from the Tour at some point, when I have a spare couple of days to upload the Pictures to Blogger!!!

Watch this space ;-)