Friday, 18 October 2013

I will be back soon!

I thought I had better post something up, as it has been another month without an update!

The house is taking up a lot of time, and without a bath or shower, going for a bike ride then troubling kindly relatives is a step too far!
As soon as the Bathroom is sorted normal service will be resumed!

However, I have been to a couple of events in the last month. First was a trip to the TT stage of the Tour of Britain at Knowsley and second was a trip to the Bike Show in Birmingham, courtesy of pOcpac 
As time is limited, I will just post up some Pictures from both days. I hope to do a full photo entry of the Tour with pictures taken at the TT and the North Wales stage that club members went to see.
So just to whet your appetite here are some to keep you going!